During his speech at the largest dairy farming event in Oceania - Australian Dairy Conference – the UAC Chairman Andrii Dykun called on the international community to support the agricultural sector of Ukraine.

He spoke about the challenges and difficulties faced by the industry during the war and the losses suffered by agricultural producers. He also showed the conference participants real footage of farms destroyed by Russia and described how farmers are trying to rebuild their enterprises and work during the war.

"One of the biggest challenges for the agricultural sector is the mined areas, which cover more than 2 million hectares. According to international experts, their demining may take up to 700 years. Ukraine needs the help of international partners in this regard," he said.

According to the UAC Chairman, despite the war, the Ukrainian agricultural sector remains the backbone of the country's economy and has enormous potential, particularly in the dairy sector, which produced more milk than Australia before the war.

"The world needs to know what is happening in Ukraine. Despite the decline in support from international partners, Ukraine remains strong. We believe in the Armed Forces of Ukraine, our people, our partners and our victory!" summarized Andriy Dykun.

Wednesday, 14 February 2024


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